Salesians of Don Bosco, Africa Nigeria-Niger Province (ANN), Witness Joyful Priestly Ordination in Akure

Akure, Nigeria – On Saturday, July 15th, 2023, the Mary Help of Christians Catholic Church in Akure, Nigeria, was filled with an atmosphere of celebration and spiritual significance as the Salesians of Don Bosco, Africa Nigeria-Niger Province (ANN), marked a momentous occasion—the ordination of three deacons into the priesthood. The solemn ceremony, presided over by the esteemed Most Rev. Jude Ayodeji Arogundade, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Ondo, was a testament to the growth of the Church and the dedication of its faithful servants.

The Mass, which commenced at 10:00 am, was attended by a diverse congregation that included proud family members, close friends, Con-celebrating Religious and Diocesan Priests, and parishioners from near and far. The church resonated with joyous hymns sung by the talented choir, adding an extra layer of spiritual fervor to the auspicious event.

Rev. Fr. Sunday Cyril Akinyele, Rev. Fr. JohnMary Etunke, and Rev. Fr. Asia Omoruyi, the three deacons who embarked on this sacred journey, were ordained as priests, marking a significant milestone in their spiritual and personal lives. The Salesians of Don Bosco, known for their commitment to education and youth ministry, have witnessed the growth and dedication of these individuals, who will now carry forward the torch of Don Bosco’s mission.

During the ordination ceremony, Bishop Jude delivered a heartfelt homily, emphasizing the responsibilities and blessings associated with the priesthood. He highlighted the importance of serving the community, nurturing the faith of the faithful, and living a life rooted in the teachings of Christ.

Following the Mass, a short reception was held at the church hall, where guests were treated to a warm and jovial atmosphere. The occasion provided an opportunity for the newly ordained priests to receive congratulations and blessings from their loved ones, fellow clergy members, and well-wishers. The gathering showcased the spirit of camaraderie and support within the Salesian community and beyond.

The Salesians of ANN Province, expressed their deep gratitude to Bishop Arogundade for gracing the occasion with his presence and presiding over the ordination ceremony. The provincial thanked him and expressed his delight over the generousity of the Bishop when he came over the day before to rehearse with the ordinands and Mass servers. He also extended his appreciation to the entire Salesian family, friends, and parishioners for their unwavering support and prayers throughout the journey.

As the newly ordained priests, Rev. Fr. Sunday Cyril Akinyele, Rev. Fr. JohnMary Etunke, and Rev. Fr. Asia Omoruyi embark on their pastoral mission, their steadfast dedication to the teachings of Don Bosco will undoubtedly inspire and positively impact the lives of countless individuals in the community and beyond.

The Salesians of Don Bosco, Africa Nigeria-Niger Province (ANN), take pride in this significant milestone, acknowledging the continued growth and flourishing of their province, and expressing their unwavering commitment to serving the Church and the community with love, compassion, and devotion.


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