The Don Bosco Institute of Philosophy was officially opened in October 2005 in Ogungbade community, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. It initially started as the Post-Novitiate study home where the Salesians in formation can spend three years acquiring a degree in philosophy. gradually, it has now become an institute that welcomes lay persons, Philosophy students of other religious congregations, male and female.
With 5 Credits Passes at O’Level, NECO or its equivalents, anyone can study the following at the DBIP:
1. Bachelor in Philosophy (3 years)
2. Diploma in Youth Ministry and Spirituality (1 year)
3. Short time certificates courses Pedagogical (teaching) Skills (1month, 3 months)
The Institute can boast of a beautiful and conducive learning environment, a standard library, well-equipped computer laboratory, professional lecturers, and standard classroom.

Don Bosco Secondary School came into existence as a result of the good works that Don Bosco Training Institute Onitsha has been doing and is still doing since 1992 for the citizens of our great nation Nigeria especially those coming from South East region and beyond. Its trained students are successful wherever they are posted in companies. As a result, many well meaning individuals, some of who are DBSS parents AND guardians today solicited that Don Bosco Youth Centre also do something for the younger ones. Salesians’ consideration which reflected much on the situation and realities of the people living around Ibolo Obosi, Ugwuagba, Awada, Okpoko and Fegge environs met the above request with a positive and favourable consideration.
With this, DBSS came into existence in the year 2007. The fame with which this school is known for today has been and is still attracting students of post primary school ages from environments that are far from above mentioned ones. The curricular and extra-curricular activities that the school has been engaging in both inside and outside the school advertise the school even when such is not solicited for.
As a mission school: Promote young people especially the less privileged, preparing them for life, enriching them culturally and professionally and instilling in them strong religious values.
As a Catholic school: Instill the young the Christian values and to share in the mission of the Catholic Church to form genuine Christians. It is open to young people of all denominations and religions.
As a Nigerian school: Endeavour to form upright and patriotic citizens imbued with authentic Nigerian values.
As a Salesian school: Educates in the style of St. John Bosco through an educating community that seeks to form Good Christian and Honest Citizens